Pages of a calendar

Pandemic Lessons Learned: 5 Things I Wish I Knew 5 Years Ago

It’s December 2019, and you’ve just been given a crystal ball. As you look into the future, what do you do? Buy toilet paper in bulk? Invest in hand sanitizer stock? Squeeze in one last vacation before the world shuts down? Believe it or not, it’s been five years since

We explore how to create a positive corporate culture within your organization

Deliberate Cultivation: Crafting a Culture That Drives Results

Learn how you can deliberately shape your corporate culture in a way that helps your organization realize its goals.

A foggy path is a metaphor for poor role clarity in the workplace

Is Poor Role Clarity Damaging Your Organization?

Poor role clarity lowers productivity and negatively impacts an organization’s culture. Through purposeful organization design, we can drive empathy in the workplace and improve business results.

Customer Experience

Customer Experience Strategy: Turning Service Failure Into Opportunity

To turn a customer experience failure into an advantage, think through the process of customer recovery and design ways to turn service failure into a strategic advantage.

Organization design team enjoying a differentiating employee experience.

Beyond Free Lunch: Competing for a Differentiating Employee Experience

Today’s employees care greatly about the quality of the work environment. Your organizing choices should include consideration of how to create and maintain a thriving workforce.

Collaboration, not consensus, is the key to delivering results.

Confusing a Collaboration Culture with a Consensus Culture

Many organizations believe they have a culture of collaboration when they are actually operating within a consensus culture. The distinction is critical as collaboration – not consensus – is the key that enables high-performing teams to deliver top results.

Purpose-driven organization design professionals

Designing a Purpose-Driven Organization

A purpose-driven organization can provide unique competitive advantages that benefit employees and customers alike. Learn how you can take advantage of the intrinsic value this kind of organization offers by aligning purpose with profits.

Making personal change possible

Four Tactics for Making Personal Change Possible

Personal change can seem difficult, but these four tactics can help you make the kind of lasting changes that will improve your effectiveness within and beyond the workplace.

Teams sometimes struggle with the principle of commonality

Does Your Team Share the 3 Key Principles of Commonality?

Through creating a common understanding, common language, and a common operating picture, you can create the organizational commonality that will help your business achieve its desired results.

Identify your personal warning lights to increase resiliency

Increasing Resiliency: How to Identify & Resolve Personal Warning Lights

If 2020 has left you feeling depleted of your normal energy and vitality, here are four ways to recharge your battery to provide the resiliency needed to lead your organization into 2021.