One runner pulls ahead of the others in a race

Transforming Finance: An Organization Design Framework for Market Victory

Learn how a finance company used AlignOrg Solution’s organization design framework to increase revenue and enhance customer satisfaction.

Customer Satisfaction

Maintaining Customer Satisfaction During Change Transformation

The availability of countless tools, software and management systems, customized training programs, and strategic planning applications, makes it easy to forget the reason we have them in the first place.  The reason is the customer.

Organizational design - Adaptability

Organizational Resilience Series Part 1: Adaptability

Adaptability is a key component to building a resilient organization that can move forward confidently regardless of what the future holds.

The right framework and tools result in a successful transformation

The Right Framework and Tools = Successful Transformation

Organization redesigns are often complex, lengthy endeavors, but with the right framework and tools, you can ensure steady progress and achieve a successful transformation.

Corporate foresight is a necessity for lasting organizational transformation.

Corporate Foresight: A Necessity for Lasting Organization Transformation

Corporate foresight provides clarity for strategy, helps with aligning organizational choices, and guides in building the right capabilities for your organization.

Organization design team driving transformation success through strategic leadership.

Strategic Leadership: Driving Transformation Success Through Choices & Trade-offs

Successful strategic leadership means asking tough questions to determine necessary choices and tradeoffs. Your answers will help differentiate your organization from the competition.

Leadership traits that lead to change success

Leadership Traits That Lead to Change Success

The success of an organization often begins and ends with the leadership capabilities of those at the helm. These leadership traits drive a successful organization design initiative.

Alignment leader and change partner working together for organization redesign success

Organization Redesign Success Starts with this Dynamic Duo

Two key roles provide the basis for a successful organization redesign project. Learn how strategic partnerships between Alignment Leaders® and change partners can ensure positive transformations.

Successful organizational transformation change partners

Four Essential Practices for Becoming a Successful Transformational Change Partner

In a recent post, we explored the role of the change partner as an essential facilitator who helps alignment leaders initiate and maintain organizational alignment. The change partner not only provides critical feedback and support to the leader, but is also responsible for much of the heavy lifting throughout the

Avoiding transition speed bumps during organization transformation

Digital Transformation Through Journey Management

Consider these steps and strategies to better manage the many moving parts of journey management to achieve a successful digital transformation.