Leader uses three must do's to achieve successful organization design

Three “Must-Do’s” to Ensure Successful Organization Design

If you manage organization design efforts as projects that require prioritization, focus and collaboration, you have a greater chance of success, as these factors are within your control as a leader.

Team that is maintaining alignment during organization transformation

Power and Influence: Maintaining Alignment During Organization Transformation

Alignment Leaders® can ensure that the capabilities of the organization and individual choices maintain alignment to ensure delivery of the strategy.

Organization Design Is More Than an Answer

Three primary elements that must be addressed for an organization redesign: the blueprint; aligned thinking; and executing in the redesigned organization.

Facilitating Digital Transformation the Agile Way

Using Agile principles in a digital transformation will improve efficiency, effectiveness, and the quality of the work product.

Organization Change Not Working

Organizational Change: Why Isn’t it Working?

An inherent challenge of introducing change into an organization is understanding and accounting for impacts to this complexity. Consider the following dimensions as you align your systems.

Org Design FOMO

Beware of Organization Redesign FOMO

What are the dangers of letting the fear of missing out prompt an organization design? Learn the two most important reasons an organization transformation should occur.

3 Keys to Overcoming Fear of Organizational Change

Leaders must transcend their feelings of fear during times of change and help their organization team members embrace the necessary changes. This will allow for the best changes to happen and the organization to achieve a successful outcome.

Accountability Mechanisms to Drive Organization Transformation

When kicking off a transformation, leaders need to hold themselves accountable as well as establish accountability mechanisms for everyone to ensure the best results.

The Pitfalls of a Covert Organization Redesign

Conducting a “covert” organization design is fraught with peril. Learn why an organization requires collaboration and communication among all stakeholders.

How to Implement Change Efficiently

Learn the advantages of breaking a large organization design project into a series of smaller projects and including employees in the process. You will be amazed at how smoothly a reorganization can go.