A journey management leader can help your organization achieve a successful transformation.

Transform with Confidence: The Case for Journey Management

The stakes are high when an organization embarks on a large-scale transformation. Journey management can help ensure success.

Learn our tips for successful journey management

Journey Management: Navigating Organizational Transformation

Learn why journey management is a critical tool when seeking successful, sustained change within your organization.

Customer Satisfaction

Maintaining Customer Satisfaction During Change Transformation

The availability of countless tools, software and management systems, customized training programs, and strategic planning applications, makes it easy to forget the reason we have them in the first place.  The reason is the customer.

Holiday Wishes

Holiday Wishes

With so much difficulty and tragedy in today’s world, this little break to celebrate the holidays is welcomed while we ponder the hopes and wishes of the season.

Want More Accountable Leaders? Clarify Decision Rights

Avoid the confusion arising from a lack of accountability by clearly defining decision rights and making sure people have the required skills to make decisions timely and confidently.

External Measurements

Don’t Over-Focus on External Measurements

Organizations should look both inside and outside their organization to benchmark performance. Examine your measurement systems to see if you have effective means of assessing progress.

Learn to harness the benefits of brain-friendly change communications

Harnessing the Benefits of Brain-Friendly Change Communications

Learnings from neuroscience research can be applied to organization design and transformation efforts to maximize the success of your change communication strategies.

Avoid the trap of groupthink in organization design

Avoiding the Trap of Groupthink in Organization Design

Groupthink can have a detrimental effects on the decision making process. Learn how leaders can help their teams challenge assumptions and conventional thinking to reach better business outcomes.

Team using design principles to make better organization alignment decisions

Use Design Principles For Better Organization Alignment Decisions

Leaders can be overwhelmed by the number of decisions they must make to move forward. Agreeing on common organization design principles in advance can streamline the process for making critical decisions in the future.

Organizations need to be aligned to support their growth strategy.

Is Your Organization Aligned to Support Your Growth Strategy?

Peloton’s rapid growth during 2020 also brought growing pains, as disgruntled customers waited months for equipment deliveries. These questions can help ensure your organization design is properly aligned with your growth strategy.