Learn how to design your organization to support fungible talent.

Fluid Organization Design: Putting the “Fun in Fungible”

Learn how you can intentionally design your organization to support fungible talent.

Corvette driving toward the sunset

Racing Toward Successful Change

What can we learn from an iconic car brand? We share Corvette’s successful change and transformation practices.

Understanding the brain can influence satisfaction in the employee experience

Our Brains at Work: Using Neuroscience to Drive Employee Experience

Leveraging the SCARF elements enhances employee experience – even during tough changes – by considering how our brains work at work.

Differentiation is the answer

Differentiation is the Answer – Don’t Change for Change’s Sake

As a change leader, the best advice we have to optimize your operating model transformations is to prepare to answer the question “How does this change make us different?”

Learn to harness the benefits of brain-friendly change communications

Harnessing the Benefits of Brain-Friendly Change Communications

Learnings from neuroscience research can be applied to organization design and transformation efforts to maximize the success of your change communication strategies.