Optimizing remote capability building efforts

Virtual Training: 4 Ways to Optimize Your Remote Capability Building Efforts

Using these 4 levels of learning as a guide, you can develop and measure your virtual training efforts to ensure you get the most out of the time and funds invested.

team building capability

Smartly Acquire the Organizational Capabilities Your Customers Need

One strategic imperative for organizations is determining what customers want and how the organization can smartly acquire the organizational capabilities to close those gaps.

Want More Accountable Leaders? Clarify Decision Rights

Avoid the confusion arising from a lack of accountability by clearly defining decision rights and making sure people have the required skills to make decisions timely and confidently.

Considering Internal Organization Design Consultants?

Internal consultants have advantages over any outsider because they know the company better and have a deeper understanding of culture, goals, and sought-after end results.

Organizations finding opportunities to leverage the freelance talent pool

Opportunities to Leverage the Freelance Talent Pool

Learn how organizations can overcome four common barriers to hiring independent contractors.

Change Transformation

Tools & Methodologies for Your Change Transformation COE

Choosing simple, straightforward tools and solutions that keep processes flowing smoothly is typically the approach that will best serve the strategic goals of the organization.

Beyond Training: Why Practice Matters In Capability Building

Would you go to a doctor who had never seen a patient? For most of us, the answer would be an emphatic “no” – even if the individual was top of their class. While organization design practitioners are not directly responsible for life and limb, they have a lot in

Business team discusses 5 best practices for COE

5 Best Practices for an Organization Change COE

To stay competitive, organizations today must be agile and adapt quickly to rapidly changing markets, technology, and economic conditions. Effective change management is therefore essential. Change management initiatives can be handled in various ways within an organization. Outsourcing is certainly an option, but another tactic that many organizations have used

Capability Building

Internal Capability Building for Org Design: Bridging the Experience Gap

Every organization likes to build muscles around their ability to facilitate organization transformation. Internal capability building in disciplines such as organization design, change management, and program or project management is an excellent way to do this. However, we must take care to bridge the gap between theory and practice when

Organization Transformaiton

How to Build and Sustain Organization Transformation Capabilities

An organization transformation COE’s success ultimately depends on its people—and staffing presents a number of challenges to building an effective COE. In a recent post, we touched on the challenges of hiring good people for a COE. However, even once you assemble the perfect organizational restructuring team, you still have to