
Why Resource Choice Matters in Organization Transformation

Resourcing is a perpetual challenge organizations face in driving transformation. Sooner or later, every transformation leader will find him or herself in the position of needing specific talent or resources other than those which are normally under their control. When this happens, they must look elsewhere for those resources. Not

Building internal capability in organization transformation

Building Internal Capability in Organization Transformation 2 Keys to Success

Often, organizations look to outside partners to assist with organization transformation. This is natural, as organization design and change demand specific skill sets that are not always readily available within an organization or easily hired. However, the opportunity also exists for organizations to build these capabilities internally. There are many

Organization design team adapting agile principles

Adapting Agile Principles for Improved Organization Design

Learn how employing four Agile principles in your organization design can improve the efficiency, effectiveness and speed of your organization.

Engagement Model

Engagement Model – Which is Best for Your Transformation COE?

Many companies are setting up internal centers of expertise (COE) to help do and manage the work of implementing organization change. Having these capabilities in house can be an efficient and cost effective way to manage change within an organization. However, COEs that operate in isolation or as a bolt-on

Business leaders building capability for organization alignment

Building Capability for Organization Alignment: Beyond the Toolbox

The right organization alignment tools and methodologies are indeed valuable; they can help you see things you can’t otherwise, and provide a framework for solving problems. However, the right tool in the wrong hands won’t lead to success. When building capability in others, consider these factors to help them learn to use available tools in a way that makes sense for the organization.

Transformation COE

Trends and Best Practices for Your Transformation COEs

Any organization, regardless of its size, type, or industry, must constantly undertake change and transformation. With the need for change comes the need for effective organization design and change transformation management to support these initiatives and ensure that they meet with success. While these functions can be and often are

Organization Transformation

Key Considerations for Your Organization Transformation COE

A Center of Expertise (COE) is set up to deliver specialized services or capabilities for a business. A properly set up internal COE for implementing organization change can help an organization handle change more smoothly, efficiently, and cost effectively. The critical first step in setting up a successful organization transformation

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning is More than Goals and Objectives: It is about Resources and Capabilities

The medical definition of strategy is, roughly, change that contributes to successful evolution. Think about this in terms of your business. Isn’t that the end goal – successful evolution? What’s notable here is that nature evolves through a series of trials and errors, and the organisms that adapt in more successful

Change Platform

The Importance of Building a Change Platform

Today’s marketplace has become an environment of continuous change. As a result, many businesses struggle to adapt as multiple areas of their organizations simultaneously experience change of some sort. In a recent webinar, I discussed how change platforms can facilitate this new environment of change and help businesses keep up