Communication is the Engine Driving Change Management

Why it is vital for organizations to establish a communication strategy with employees when planning a complex realignment?

Timing Is Everything in Organization Realignment

Markets are not static so change is integral to sustainability. How do leaders determine if the time is right for change?

Alignment Leader®: An Organization Transformation Champion

Studies have shown that having Alignment Leaders is key to a successful organizational transformation. Use these critical change management techniques to further your success.

Structure Follows Strategy

Organization Architecture: Structure Follows Strategy

The philosophy of form following function isn’t just applicable to the architectural field; organization structure that follows strategy is key to creating a productive, well-aligned organization.

Designing an adaptive organization

Designing an Adaptive Organization: 2 Key Principles

A highly adaptable organization has a significant competitive advantage in today’s rapidly changing market. Learn two key principles of adaptive organization design.

Navigating Alignment in the “Neutral Zone”

Help employees transition through the neutral zone to a new organization alignment by explaining the hows and whys of the changes.

Keys to Building a Dynamic Organization Design Team

Learn the 4 key questions to ask during the organization design team building process to help you get the right people in the room to best plan and facilitate the changes needed for your organization to win in the marketplace.

Leading Organization Design with Proper Timing, Tools, & Know-How

When implemented effectively organization design integrates people, systems, and processes by maintaining alignment with the overall strategy. But they key is remembering it’s less about nuts and bolts and more about hearts and minds.

Organizations finding opportunities to leverage the freelance talent pool

Opportunities to Leverage the Freelance Talent Pool

Learn how organizations can overcome four common barriers to hiring independent contractors.

Organization Transformation: More than Just Communications

Good communication is absolutely essential to achieving success in any organization transformation. But without three additional key elements, communication alone often fails to effect desired change.