Link your revenue model to your strategy

Linking Your Revenue Model and Your Strategy

When leaders think about the elements of their strategy, they should review each offering to determine if it leads to more sales or greater profit margins. If it doesn’t contribute to the revenue model, a refocus might be in order.

Change leaders can avoid this pitfall when cutting costs

Avoid This Pitfall When Cutting Costs

Looking to reduce costs during your organization redesign? Consider changing how the work is done and then align staffing levels to match the work.

Differentiation through corporate strategy.

Differentiation Through Corporate Strategy

Corporate strategy can be a point of differentiation. Look at your business as you would an investment portfolio and determine how to allocate resources in ways that create the greatest returns.

A word of caution when adjusting spans and layers.

Spans and Layers: A Word of Caution

These three steps can help leaders get the most out of spans and layers adjustments. and make sure a span and layer analysis doesn’t lead to unintended consequences.

Recipe for Success: How 3 Organization Design Principles Helped a Business in Crisis

Recipe for Success: How 3 Organization Design Principles Helped a Business in Crisis

The last few months have been difficult for all organizations. In this environment, the value of understanding how to align strategy, capabilities and tradeoffs/choices is more important than ever.

Shared services and centers of expertise are more gray than black and white

Centers of Expertise and Shared Services: More Gray Than Black and White

There is no one-size-fits-all template for shared services models and centers of expertise. To implement successfully, these organizational constructs need to be designed to fit within the context of each organization’s unique structure, needs, and goals.

Resource Management Critical to Maintaining Strategic Alignment

To keep up with the rapidly evolving global markets, it is essential to make smart–but often hard–decisions and trade-offs about where to allocate resources.

Business leaders discuss the principles of resource allocation

4 Principles of Resource Allocation in Large Companies

Considering these principles when making resource allocation decisions will help leaders reduce internal strife and come up with solutions that truly serve the best interests of the organization.


Why Resource Choice Matters in Organization Transformation

Resourcing is a perpetual challenge organizations face in driving transformation. Sooner or later, every transformation leader will find him or herself in the position of needing specific talent or resources other than those which are normally under their control. When this happens, they must look elsewhere for those resources. Not

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning is More than Goals and Objectives: It is about Resources and Capabilities

The medical definition of strategy is, roughly, change that contributes to successful evolution. Think about this in terms of your business. Isn’t that the end goal – successful evolution? What’s notable here is that nature evolves through a series of trials and errors, and the organisms that adapt in more successful