Coworkers enjoying the benefits of diversity in organization design

The Hidden Benefits of Diversity on Organization Design

Learn how bringing together a team with different backgrounds and experiences can increase your chances of organization design success.

Organization Design for the Gig Economy

Finding good people has always been a challenge for many organizations. Now, in an economy that has been described as a “war for top talent,” the search for competent workers has taken on an even more urgent tone. Yet, many companies are overlooking a large pool of talented professionals that

Creating an Organization Culture of Alignment

An organization’s culture is a powerful thing. Culture significantly influences the way people think, behave, and relate to one another within an organization, as well as how they relate to customers and vendors. Because of this, its culture directly impacts every aspect of an organization—including its productivity and profitability. The


How Diversity and Inclusion Impact Organization Design

Almost all organizations now are aware of the importance of diversity. Most have identified at least one person at the executive level whose role and responsibility is to help the organization address systemic issues around lack of diversity or the lack of inclusion of certain types of people, including people

Employees have learned three steps toward aligning actions with organizational culture

3 Steps to Align Actions with Organizational Culture

Building on our recent post about the costs of a misaligned culture and what to do about it, today I want to go deeper and talk about the vital link between strategy, culture, and actions. Even if a culture fully aligns with an organization’s strategy, individual choices can weaken that

Organization Culture

Is Your Corporate Culture Out of Alignment?

What do Starbucks, Zappos, Southwest Airlines, Dropbox, and Twitter all have in common? Each has a distinct corporate culture that infuses everything it does, from marketing to hiring practices to strategic decision making. If you’re familiar with the system we present in our book Mastering the Cube, you’ll recall that