Shared services and centers of expertise are more gray than black and white

Centers of Expertise and Shared Services: More Gray Than Black and White

There is no one-size-fits-all template for shared services models and centers of expertise. To implement successfully, these organizational constructs need to be designed to fit within the context of each organization’s unique structure, needs, and goals.

Org Design FOMO

Beware of Organization Redesign FOMO

What are the dangers of letting the fear of missing out prompt an organization design? Learn the two most important reasons an organization transformation should occur.

Adaptive Organization

Designing an Adaptive Organization

The world today is experiencing a faster rate of change than ever before. Technological advancement is happening at lightning speed, and this is causing ripple effects throughout organizations, talent, culture, and nearly all aspects of organizational life.  As leaders respond to and anticipate in this level of change, they often

Transformation COE

Trends and Best Practices for Your Transformation COEs

Any organization, regardless of its size, type, or industry, must constantly undertake change and transformation. With the need for change comes the need for effective organization design and change transformation management to support these initiatives and ensure that they meet with success. While these functions can be and often are

Organization Transformation

Key Considerations for Your Organization Transformation COE

A Center of Expertise (COE) is set up to deliver specialized services or capabilities for a business. A properly set up internal COE for implementing organization change can help an organization handle change more smoothly, efficiently, and cost effectively. The critical first step in setting up a successful organization transformation

organization effectiveness

Overcoming the OE Talent Shortage

Over the past few decades, more and more organizations have established internal organization effectiveness (OE) groups and capabilities, with the idea that OE groups can help them restructure, manage change, and optimize business performance. Each OE group approaches the task uniquely. Some provide hands-on consulting services; others build out a

Shared Services

How to Maximize Shared Service Effectiveness and Efficiency

Many businesses look to shared services to optimize their performance and help them meet the bottom line. When properly designed and implemented, shared services can increase efficiency, cut costs, maximize synergies, improve performance, and/or enhance your services and capabilities. With so much to be gained, it is worth making sure