
Fine-tune the Linkages in Your Organization Structure

Formal organization structure gets a lot of attention from leaders and organizations, but an often under emphasized aspect of structure is linkages.  Linkages are the informal mechanisms or structures that facilitate decision making, resource sharing, and work coordination across organizational boundaries. They are often necessary because the formal structure of

Information & Metrics

The Most Neglected Aspect of Organization Design

When we are involved in major transformations, one of the first discussions leaders are eager to get into is the structure discussion . . . the new organization chart.  Leaders also give enthusiastic consideration to the major business processes of the organization. In fact, leaders easily see the wisdom of

Strategy Deployment

Want Execution? Then Facilitate Strategy Deployment

Good strategy is essential for any organization. So is taking action on that strategy, but successful implementation of strategy must be managed appropriately. One of the dynamics we often observe in organizations is that strategy is not always well cascaded through the organization. In too many organizations, it’s common to

Organization Design for the Gig Economy

Finding good people has always been a challenge for many organizations. Now, in an economy that has been described as a “war for top talent,” the search for competent workers has taken on an even more urgent tone. Yet, many companies are overlooking a large pool of talented professionals that

Innovative thinking

Building Breakthrough Thinking Into Organization Design

To remain competitive in a changing market, organizations must continually strive to deliver more value at less cost. While incremental changes are often necessary and can be very helpful, a company will usually not make great leaps ahead without some measure of breakthrough innovation. But, how does one build innovation

Adaptive Organization

Designing an Adaptive Organization

The world today is experiencing a faster rate of change than ever before. Technological advancement is happening at lightning speed, and this is causing ripple effects throughout organizations, talent, culture, and nearly all aspects of organizational life.  As leaders respond to and anticipate in this level of change, they often

Agile Organization Design

Why Take an Agile Approach to Organization Design?

Learn how Agile organization design can help companies complete transformations quickly, respond to changing markets and
consistently produce differentiated business models tailored to customer needs. 

Organization Alignment Role

Tuning Functions to Their Proper Organization Alignment Role

HR, finance, and other functions play a vital supportive role in every organization. Like the air conditioning in a car, it isn’t essential to getting from point A to point B, but it sure makes the journey much more comfortable. Just as air conditioning with no engine or chassis or

Organization Design

How Organization Design Can Facilitate Growth

Almost all organizations are actively looking for growth opportunities. While growth is not without its challenges and downsides, the positive aspects of growth are compelling enough to drive most organizations to commit a great deal of effort and resources into seeking and pursuing opportunities for profitable and sustainable growth. Most

Organization design team adapting agile principles

Adapting Agile Principles for Improved Organization Design

Learn how employing four Agile principles in your organization design can improve the efficiency, effectiveness and speed of your organization.