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Month: May 2017


3 Steps to Align Actions with Organizational Culture

Employees have learned three steps toward aligning actions with organizational culture

Building on our recent post about the costs of a misaligned culture and what to do about it, today I want to go deeper and talk about the vital link between strategy, culture, and actions. Even if a culture fully aligns with an organization’s strategy, individual choices can weaken that culture and thus hinder its 3 Steps to Align Actions with Organizational Culture

Has Your Business Model Spawned a Monopoly Mentality?

Business Model

As an organization grows, internal support structures evolve to handle certain services that are needed throughout the company. It needs HR to manage hiring and employee relations. It needs IT to keep the company’s technology assets running efficiently. It needs an accounting department to handle day-to-day financial functions. Teams across the organization have no choice Has Your Business Model Spawned a Monopoly Mentality?

Is Your Corporate Culture Out of Alignment?

Organization Culture

What do Starbucks, Zappos, Southwest Airlines, Dropbox, and Twitter all have in common? Each has a distinct corporate culture that infuses everything it does, from marketing to hiring practices to strategic decision making. If you’re familiar with the system we present in our book Mastering the Cube, you’ll recall that Leadership and Culture is one Is Your Corporate Culture Out of Alignment?

Free Webinar: Enabling Executives to Shape a Differentiating Culture

– Available On Demand – One of the most compelling yet misunderstood concepts in business is related to the power of organization culture.  Culture holds the promise of helping the collective of the organization’s members focus on similar goals and objectives and of encouraging cohesiveness in purpose and intent…

How Proper Diagnosis Leads to Change Transformation Success

Change Transformation

The times of “stasis” in organization life are nearly gone, and the notion of being “Always on” transformation has gained more traction than ever (BCG). New frameworks, improvement approaches, and ways of working (such as Agile and digital transformation) are helping companies in very specific areas and markets manage constant change and infinite market fluidity. How Proper Diagnosis Leads to Change Transformation Success

Cracking the M&A Code: Aligning Organization Capabilities

Executives aligning organization capabilities by cracking the M&A code

Deals are happening all the time – many with lots of hype from investors, analysts and executives.  The right acquisition can combine break-through capabilities to deliver distinctive capabilities to the market.  However, too often the promises of the deal never pan out.  Each week I talk to executives who are writing off deals that didn’t Cracking the M&A Code: Aligning Organization Capabilities