November 27, 2018
Associates and clients of AlignOrg Solutions attended and presented at The Conference Board’s 14th Annual Organization (re) Design Conference held in November in New York City.
Associates and clients of AlignOrg Solutions attended and presented at The Conference Board’s 14th Annual Organization (re) Design Conference held in November in New York City. The Conference theme was Shaping Culture, Driving Alignment and Leveraging Analytics and featured case studies, toolkits, and presentations on a wide range of topics. Approximately 110 people attended the main conference on November 8 - 9.
Approximately 35 people attended the Pre-Conference Seminar November 7th which was conducted byReed Deshler, Ken Brophy and Ken Thompson of AlignOrg Solutions. The full-day workshop was titled Fast. Intuitive. Practical. Proven Tools & Approaches for Effective Organization Design. The workshop had four objectives:
- Learn a powerful metaphor for aligning organizations
- Review key tools that will help you align organization choices and capabilities to strategy
- Learn the building blocks that will help you and your leaders Master the Cube
- Become a more effective Change Partner