Adam Anderson

Engagement Executive

Adam Anderson has been helping leaders improve organizational alignment for 15 years. He excels in helping leaders align on, articulate, and message their strategy. He has coached and facilitated executives in companies like Cummins, Abbott, Humana, Lowe’s, and LinkedIn, helping them deliver high performance through strategic alignment.

Adam enjoys building and refining methodology and tools to solve complex problems. He co-founded a strategic communications firm where he developed tools and processes to help organizations align their internal and external communications to strategy and branding. Since joining AlignOrg Solutions, he has been a key contributor to many of the company’s foundational methodologies and tools. This deep understanding of core organization design principles along with his engaging facilitation style help Adam excel in training others.  

In addition to consulting, Adam has built and run his own companies, successfully taking his last start-up from scratch to more than $30 million in sales.

Education: B.S. Business Management, Brigham Young University.