Two Reasons to Take A Process Approach to Organization Design

In art and art education circles, there is an ongoing debate around the concept of Process vs. Product. The conventional approach focuses on the end product as the ultimate goal. Process art, on the other hand, emphasizes the creative journey—and proponents of this approach claim that it fosters self-confidence and

Corporate Functions

Using Agile Ways of Working to Keep Corporate Functions in Alignment

Functions within an organization can often take on an interesting dynamic. While they have immense capacity to influence the customer experience as well as the general welfare of the company, no one chooses to do business with a company based solely on the work or services of a function.  Whether

Diversified team discusses 3 keys to effective strategic planning

3 Keys to Effective Strategic Planning

It’s mid November: the home stretch of the year. In addition to all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, this is when many companies buckle down to do their strategic planning for the year ahead. Effective strategic planning doesn’t happen by accident. As you prepare for your planning sessions

Align your team's vision and goals with strategy

How to Align Your Team’s Vision and Goals with Corporate Strategy

Your organization’s design affects its ability to meet goals. Consider how the design impacts the outcome and differentiation to ensure that goals are met.

Choosing Change Agents

Choosing Change Agents: It’s Not All About Position

One of the keys to success in an organization transformation is having the right people involved. Before any of the work can be done around planning and implementing change, it’s important to gain clarity on the roles involved and who will fill them. A common assumption in organizations when choosing