Customer needs should be central when redesigning an organization

Organization Redesigns Must Start With Customer Experience

Making sure all stakeholders understand how they link back to the customer is an important step in maintaining a customer-centric design for your organization.

Customer Experience

Customer Experience Strategy: Turning Service Failure Into Opportunity

To turn a customer experience failure into an advantage, think through the process of customer recovery and design ways to turn service failure into a strategic advantage.

Want More Accountable Leaders? Clarify Decision Rights

Avoid the confusion arising from a lack of accountability by clearly defining decision rights and making sure people have the required skills to make decisions timely and confidently.

External Measurements

Don’t Over-Focus on External Measurements

Organizations should look both inside and outside their organization to benchmark performance. Examine your measurement systems to see if you have effective means of assessing progress.

Ways of working

Organizational Resilience Series Part 3: Ways of Working

Designing ways of working with humans at the center starts with involving the workforce in the design process itself.

Re-architecting work to add value and meaning for people

Organizational Resilience Series Part 2: Re-architecting Work to Add Value and Meaning for People

Learn how re-architecting work – deliberately designing work in ways that allow human capabilities to flourish and focus their collective energies – can help create desired outcomes for organizations.

Organizational design - Adaptability

Organizational Resilience Series Part 1: Adaptability

Adaptability is a key component to building a resilient organization that can move forward confidently regardless of what the future holds.

Functional design teams mitigating risks and bridging silos.

Reaping Benefits, Mitigating Risks in Functional Structures

Functional design provides extensive benefits as well as challenges. To optimize the structure, leaders should ensure that functions operate within scope and that cross-organizational silos are bridged.

The right framework and tools result in a successful transformation

The Right Framework and Tools = Successful Transformation

Organization redesigns are often complex, lengthy endeavors, but with the right framework and tools, you can ensure steady progress and achieve a successful transformation.

Be sure to populate your redesign team with the right people

Populate Your Redesign Team with the Right People

Having a strong team in place can make the difference in achieving a successful organization redesign. These tips can help you determine what characteristics to look for in redesign team members.