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Ken Thompson

The Fallacy of Sunk Costs: Knowing When to Pull the Plug

The FallacyKnow when to pull the plug on sunk costs in an organization

It is human nature to cling to an idea or project in which we’ve invested a significant amount of time, even when it’s clear that it is no longer working. How does this translate to the world of organization design?

Does Your Team Share the 3 Key Principles of Commonality?

Teams sometimes struggle with the principle of commonality

Through creating a common understanding, common language, and a common operating picture, you can create the organizational commonality that will help your business achieve its desired results.

Increasing Resiliency: How to Identify & Resolve Personal Warning Lights

Identify your personal warning lights to increase resiliency

If 2020 has left you feeling depleted of your normal energy and vitality, here are four ways to recharge your battery to provide the resiliency needed to lead your organization into 2021.

Learning From the 2020 Roller Coaster: 5 Ways to “Buckle In” for 2021

Learning from the 2020 roller coaster ride

While the year 2020 taught business leaders the true meaning of uncertainty, the lessons learned through those challenging experiences can enable new strategies. Here are five considerations that may impact your organization’s ability to thrive in 2021.

In Praise of Decisiveness: Change Leadership Techniques to Conquer Indecision

Effective change leadership requires decisiveness

Many executives struggle with making decisions in their business leadership roles. Consider these four questions when faced with a significant decision.

Organization Culture & Business Relationships, Part 2: Five Essential Business Values

Successful business relationships are built on these 5 values

These 5 essential business values will increase your organization’s capabilities to deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Organization Culture & Business Relationships-5 Ways to Optimize Customer Experiences, Part 1

Optimizing the customer experience in business relationships

The right organization design and structure, combined with a company-wide commitment to deliver differentiated customer experiences, will enable your business to build and maintain long-term customer loyalty.

Recipe for Success: How 3 Organization Design Principles Helped a Business in Crisis

Recipe for Success: How 3 Organization Design Principles Helped a Business in Crisis

The last few months have been difficult for all organizations. In this environment, the value of understanding how to align strategy, capabilities and tradeoffs/choices is more important than ever.

Consistent Leadership vs. Agile Leadership: What Kind of Leader Are You?

Do you use consistent leadership or Agile leadership?

Is your leadership style more agile or consistent? Understanding your personal tendencies will help you to select the right people for your team and to work with them in the most effective ways.

Futurism: Understanding Emerging Business Trends

Futurism and understanding emerging business trends

Being a futurist means paying attention to new patterns and trends and developing possible scenarios for the future. What is the best way to build the future smartly, thoughtfully, and effectively?