Customer Experience

Customer Experience Strategy: Turning Service Failure Into Opportunity

To turn a customer experience failure into an advantage, think through the process of customer recovery and design ways to turn service failure into a strategic advantage.

Anticipating customer problems is the sign of a great leader.

Good Customer Experiences Solve Problems. Great Ones Anticipate Them.

Does your business “surprise” your customers by anticipating and providing solutions for their needs and wants? Here are some suggestions on how to create a business model that will create happy customers.

Differentiation is the answer

Differentiation is the Answer – Don’t Change for Change’s Sake

As a change leader, the best advice we have to optimize your operating model transformations is to prepare to answer the question “How does this change make us different?”

Providing a differentiated customer experience for your organization

Should Your Organization Provide a Differentiating Customer Experience?

Learn how to determine if the strategy of creating a differentiated customer experience is right for your organization. Finding the answers to these five key questions can help.