Functional design provides extensive benefits as well as challenges. To optimize the structure, leaders should ensure that functions operate within scope and that cross-organizational silos are bridged.
Organization redesigns are often complex, lengthy endeavors, but with the right framework and tools, you can ensure steady progress and achieve a successful transformation.
Having a strong team in place can make the difference in achieving a successful organization redesign. These tips can help you determine what characteristics to look for in redesign team members.
Groupthink can have a detrimental effects on the decision making process. Learn how leaders can help their teams challenge assumptions and conventional thinking to reach better business outcomes.
Reducing headcounts might an easy way to cut costs, but does it support your organization’s goals? Use these questions to ensure your cost-cutting measures don’t sabotage your strategy.
When leaders think about the elements of their strategy, they should review each offering to determine if it leads to more sales or greater profit margins. If it doesn’t contribute to the revenue model, a refocus might be in order.
A successful organization design begins with clear objectives and outcomes. Defining where you want to go up front helps you better define how you will reach your end goal.