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Reed Deshler

Rethinking Customer Transactions for a Virtual Environment

Organization design team rethinking customer transactions for a virtual environment

Interacting with customers in a virtual environment has become the new normal. Businesses can thrive by using organization design tools and principles to redesign their customer transactions for a virtual world.

Avoid This Pitfall When Cutting Costs

Change leaders can avoid this pitfall when cutting costs

Looking to reduce costs during your organization redesign? Consider changing how the work is done and then align staffing levels to match the work.

Modifying Your Footprint for Changing Times

Executives must modify the footprints of their organizations in these changing times

To keep pace with changing times, leaders must re-think the entire footprint of how their organizations are structured and how they operate.

A Clear Strategy is Key to Digital Transformation Success

Digital transformation is key to strategic success

The guidelines outlined here can be an effective roadmap to help drive a successful digital transformation.

Differentiation Through Corporate Strategy

Differentiation through corporate strategy.

Corporate strategy can be a point of differentiation. Look at your business as you would an investment portfolio and determine how to allocate resources in ways that create the greatest returns.

Don’t Let Your Bias Cause You To Miss The Truth

Forbes Logo

These tips include basic and practical strategies to avoid falling prey to situational bias especially during an organization design.

Architecting Your Matrix Organization for Marketplace Success

Matrix Organization

So, you’ve determined that a matrix organization aligns with and will drive your strategic objectives.  Now what? How do you design the best matrix organization for you? Setting up a matrix may seem simple—determine where the solid and dotted reporting lines go and send out an email.  If our recent executive guide on Designing and Architecting Your Matrix Organization for Marketplace Success

Effective Change Management: 4 Ways Executives Can Lead Teams to Success

Executives can lead teams to success with effective change management.

Executives that can look beyond their own self-interest to prioritize the needs of the organization as a whole will achieve greater success.

Four Essential Practices for Becoming a Successful Transformational Change Partner

Successful organizational transformation change partners

In a recent post, we explored the role of the change partner as an essential facilitator who helps alignment leaders initiate and maintain organizational alignment. The change partner not only provides critical feedback and support to the leader, but is also responsible for much of the heavy lifting throughout the transformational change implementation process. Becoming Four Essential Practices for Becoming a Successful Transformational Change Partner

Metrics that Matter: Eliminating “Anti-Metrics” That Disrupt Organizational Performance

Eliminate anti-metrics that disrupt organizational performance and focus on the "metrics that matter".

Aligning metrics with organizational strategy and desired behaviors helps you achieve optimal results. Make sure “anti-metrics” are not interfering with organizational success.