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Reed Deshler

Opportunities to Leverage the Freelance Talent Pool

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Opportunities to Leverage the Freelance Talent Pool

Organizations finding opportunities to leverage the freelance talent pool

Learn how organizations can overcome four common barriers to hiring independent contractors.

Organization Transformation: More than Just Communications

Good communication is absolutely essential to achieving success in any organization transformation. But without three additional key elements, communication alone often fails to effect desired change.

Brand Differentiation: How To Design Your Organization To Stand Out From The Competition

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Resource Management Critical to Maintaining Strategic Alignment

To keep up with the rapidly evolving global markets, it is essential to make smart–but often hard–decisions and trade-offs about where to allocate resources.

The People Puzzle: Fitting Talent to Design

Even with a great design, It’s the people in the organization who actually implement the organization design. These principals are critical to select a team that will achieve the right results for their organization.

The HR Leader as Change Leader


Don’t Give Up on the Matrix Organization – Make It Work

Matrix organizations are intended to improve efficiency and productivity in the face of complexity. Running scenarios is invaluable in helping executive teams fine-tune the matrix.

3 Key Elements of an Effective Organization Design Process

Getting an answer to “what is the optimal way to do things” is indeed an important result of the organization design process. These 3 elements will help you produce results.

Balancing Innovation with Implementation