Change Transformation

Has your Change Transformation Grown Roots in your Organization?

When we invest in an organization transformation, we want to see lasting results. However, nothing can be worse than a perfect design that seems to have a hard time gaining traction in your organization. So, how do you know if your change transformation is starting to take root in your

Business Model

Five Ways HR Can Enable Business Model Differentiation

Learn five ways HR leaders can design their department and adjust their mindset to enable strategy and support business model differentiation.

Organizational Strategy

Can Start-Ups Really Edge Out Big Companies in a Game of Strategy Implementation Speed?

In a world of fast-paced market changes, increasing automation, and rising digital transformation, it feels like small start-ups have increasing power to disrupt markets and perhaps even compete with much bigger companies because of their focus, nimbleness, and lack of legacy systems and capabilities. But, is that really true? Has

Organization Strategy

Cascading Strategy from the Boardroom to the Front Lines – Five Ways Leaders Help Change Direction

Effective strategy implementation is imperative for long-term success. Think of your company as a river. Executives stand at the mouth of the river, and there the water rushes with great strength and purpose, but as the river rolls cross-country the force and power dissipates – branches and tributaries form. Even