March 8, 2017
It is hard to overstate the benefits of organization alignment. Aligned organizations better implement and realize their strategies, can do more with fewer resources, are faster, and generally perform better in the marketplace. However, it is important to realize that not all alignments are equal in their power to produce the hoped for marketplace results.
I have found that there are two types of misalignments:
- Disabling misalignments. These misalignments stem from a need to overcome gaps or broken elements in an organization system. This is the classic case of the “squeaky wheel” that makes substantial noise in the form of customer complaints, internal confusion, and/or a lack of coordination. Often, the noise garners quite a bit of leadership attention and many leaders spend a lot of their time trying to get the noise to stop. This is common to any organization, and everyone needs to spend time fixing and/or closing gaps to address customer needs, minimize frustration, and stay ahead of competition.
- Enabling misalignments. Enabling misalignments focus more on the potential of an organization to achieve a strategic outcome rather than just fixing capacity/operational problems, performance shortcomings, or cross-organization gaps that may exist. As a whole, these misalignments are more strategically focused and address organizational misalignments about how an organization can extend its influence, expand, grow, and improve what it can deliver to customers and ultimately differentiate the marketplace.