February 14, 2018
By taking the time to plan the linkages you can avoid wasting a lot of resources trying to adjust your formal structure to deal with what could easily be addressed in your company’s informal structure.
In organization design, we often spend a lot of time designing the formal structure: box-and-line organization charts, chains of command, and so forth. This is certainly very important; a large organization would quickly dissolve into chaos without having some kind of formal structure in place. It is to an organization like the skeletal structure is to the body. However, organizations also have something akin to “connective tissue,” which is less often acknowledged or discussed when designing organizations, but is at least as important as formal structure.
This connective tissue is something we refer to as linkages, and they have a significant impact on business model implementation. Linkages reflect how an organization works outside of the formal structure. For instance, Bob might formally report to Jane, but often he will end up working with a peer or colleague to accomplish things that need to get done. One could argue that the relationship between Bob and his co-workers is at least as influential to the way the organization functions and delivers value to its customers as the formal hierarchy, if not more.
Planning Your Company’s Informal Structure
Formal structures tend to take precedence in people’s minds because they are so clearly spelled out. The tendency is to assume that everything else will simply fall into place around them once defined. However, this is often not the case. In a dynamic business environment it’s not always easy or obvious how to get things done. A key step in the organization design process is to consider how you’re going to facilitate linkages across the organization to ensure that the most critical things will indeed get done in ways that deliver value. This should be done in a conscious or planned way to address and manage the informal structure so that it works to your organization’s advantage rather than hindering its progress. How can you facilitate work in an organic fashion across an organization? A good place to start is to ask the following three questions:- What’s working? What does the formal structure easily enable us to do that’s important to the customer?
- What’s not working? And once this is identified, can we determine the right people or parties to work together to deliver value to the customer?
- How do we enable productive relationships to occur across the formal boundaries of the organization in a way that’s not chaotic or disorganized but is planned, repeatable, and coordinated?
- Technology
- Shared goals and objectives
- Projects teams
- Liaison roles
- Matrix reporting (dual reporting)
- And many more