April 20, 2016
The PMO stabilizes transformation efforts through standardization, establishes project cadence, and provides visibility and predictability to the long, complex transformation journey. If a leaders and organization design practitioners can leverage the strengths of a PMO, he/she can free valuable time and bandwidth to ensure a successful implementation.
Many companies utilize a PMO today. However, the role of a PMO during and after an organization design is often a little muddy. In a recent engagement with a client, the senior leader constantly referenced needing a PMO to solve all of the implementation challenges. Before a leader gets too far down the path of thinking that a PMO can solve all implementation hurdles, it is worth asking how organizational designers and leaders should interact with and utilize a PMO to support the implementation of a new organization design.
Before you can properly use a PMO, we must first understand its purpose. Although PMOs are often utilized in different ways, the “bread and butter” of a PMO is to provide a mechanism to organize and help coordinate work that no single manager or leader has the accountability to drive or oversee. In other words, the PMO is the “eye in the sky” on projects and details that cut across multiple functions.
To properly utilize a PMO, we must leverage their elevated, broader vantage position. Some of the activities that a PMO can help drive and facilitate through this unique position includes the following:
- Manage and coordinate multiple work streams
- Drive consistency across the entire project
- Create and maintain a project cadence
- Manage and ensure consistent report-outs
- Consolidate information for communication and executive review
- Provide integrating mechanisms to connect decisions across different areas
- Identify and track related issues or watch-outs across the entire project
- Help individuals from different areas connect to solve problems
- Ensure the right mix of individuals for project-wide meetings
- Create timing predictability
- Standardize project processes