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Free Webcast: Practitioner Panel - Uncovering the Keys to Organization Transformation Success

Article by AlignOrg
April 29, 2020
Join this panel of practitioners and executives who will share stories of their efforts to drive and support successful organization transformation. We will explore the best practices, techniques, and methods that worked for them.
Senior business leader uncovers keys to organization transformationWith the high failure rate of organization transformation efforts, business leaders should be seeking insights on how to improve the odds of success. Rather than continuing the same practices and expecting different results, join this distinguished panel of practitioners and executives who will share stories of their efforts to drive and support organization transformation efforts and explore practices, techniques, and methods that have improved the levels of organization transformation success they achieved. This panel discussion will explore such questions as:
  • Who should be involved – particularly in large organizations that are spread around the globe?
  • When can work happen virtually and when is it imperative to get in a room to orchestrate the change?
  • What models or frameworks that help facilitate decision making and ensure engagement among stakeholders?
  • How can Agile practices and ways of working accelerate the pace of transformation and lead to higher levels of success?
  • What practices (though well-intentioned) can be stumbling blocks to progress and adoption?
Who Should Attend: Senior business executives/managers, organization transformation program managers, HR leaders and OE/talent/change professionals and anyone interested in learning how to improve the success of their organization transformation efforts.

Featured Panelists will include:

Reed Deshler, Principal, AlignOrg Solutions

Elizabeth Dvorak, Management Consultant, Allstate Insurance

Nargis Rana, Senior Director, Human Resources, Medtronic

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