A word of caution when adjusting spans and layers.

Spans and Layers: A Word of Caution

These three steps can help leaders get the most out of spans and layers adjustments. and make sure a span and layer analysis doesn’t lead to unintended consequences.

Matrix Organization

Architecting Your Matrix Organization for Marketplace Success

So, you’ve determined that a matrix organization aligns with and will drive your strategic objectives.  Now what? How do you design the best matrix organization for you? Setting up a matrix may seem simple—determine where the solid and dotted reporting lines go and send out an email.  If our recent

Working virtually to optimize business outcomes during COVID-19

5 Tips to Optimize Business Outcomes During COVID-19

Organizations cannot afford to put strategic initiatives on hold. Use this time to focus on ensuring that your company emerges on the other side of the current crisis in a better position for the future.

Change management leaders know that hope is not a strategy

Hope Is Not a Strategy

While you can have confidence in any plan, it is not wise to implement your strategy without thorough analysis and planning.