Organization Transformation

Key Considerations for Your Organization Transformation COE

A Center of Expertise (COE) is set up to deliver specialized services or capabilities for a business. A properly set up internal COE for implementing organization change can help an organization handle change more smoothly, efficiently, and cost effectively. The critical first step in setting up a successful organization transformation

business model implementation

Executing Business Model Change Effectively

In business model implementation, no real change can take place until and unless people begin to act or behave differently—and there is a big difference between thinking about this being done and actually having it happen. While this may seem obvious, disconnects between concept and action happen surprisingly often in

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation Implications for Process Design

Digital technologies—not just hardware, but data, artificial intelligence, networks, social platforms, and other digital applications—are rapidly and profoundly changing the way we do business.  More and more companies of all sizes and in all industries are engaging in digital transformation as a way to more seamlessly and intuitively design customer

Business Model Transformation

Building Value through Business Model Transformation

Business model transformation can deliver a tremendous amount of value for an organization, competitively speaking. Recently, a potential client who was trying to change how her sales force is set up asked me, “what are some of the best business models you’ve seen?” That’s a tricky question. There are many

Organizational design professionals can adjust when virtual work environments fail

When Virtual Work Environments Fail—and How to Leverage Them for Success

Working virtually is no longer the wave of the future. Readily available technology has made virtual work environments ever more prevalent, both within and between organizations. Virtual, networked organizations offer many advantages. For instance, holding a meeting on Zoom is cheaper, more convenient, and has a lower environmental impact than

organization effectiveness

Overcoming the OE Talent Shortage

Over the past few decades, more and more organizations have established internal organization effectiveness (OE) groups and capabilities, with the idea that OE groups can help them restructure, manage change, and optimize business performance. Each OE group approaches the task uniquely. Some provide hands-on consulting services; others build out a

Organizational Alignment

The Hidden Costs of an Obsolete Structure

“As long as there is a global marketplace and exploding technological progress, the need for formalized and ongoing organization alignment efforts will continue.” Mastering the Cube, Chapter 8 Like the foundation of a house, the structure of your organization is the cornerstone on which every function is based. Does a solid,

Organization Culture

Is Your Corporate Culture Out of Alignment?

What do Starbucks, Zappos, Southwest Airlines, Dropbox, and Twitter all have in common? Each has a distinct corporate culture that infuses everything it does, from marketing to hiring practices to strategic decision making. If you’re familiar with the system we present in our book Mastering the Cube, you’ll recall that

Executives aligning organization capabilities by cracking the M&A code

Cracking the M&A Code: Aligning Organization Capabilities

Deals are happening all the time – many with lots of hype from investors, analysts and executives.  The right acquisition can combine break-through capabilities to deliver distinctive capabilities to the market.  However, too often the promises of the deal never pan out.  Each week I talk to executives who are

Business Model

Five Ways HR Can Enable Business Model Differentiation

Learn five ways HR leaders can design their department and adjust their mindset to enable strategy and support business model differentiation.