Organization Design

How Organization Design Can Facilitate Growth

Almost all organizations are actively looking for growth opportunities. While growth is not without its challenges and downsides, the positive aspects of growth are compelling enough to drive most organizations to commit a great deal of effort and resources into seeking and pursuing opportunities for profitable and sustainable growth. Most

Organization Design Capability

Developing Organization Design Capability in Alignment Leaders® (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this article, we discussed the process of building organization design capability in change partners. Now, let’s examine the role of the Alignment Leader® in organization design, and learn how to assist an Alignment Leader in building organization design capability. Why Alignment Leaders Need Organization Design Skills

How Healthy is Your Organization?

A healthy organization is efficient, resilient, and supports positive relationships both internally and with its external stakeholders, with all parts operating effectively toward a common goal. Organizational health is a measure of how well a company functions, as well as its long-term viability and potential for growth. Just as symptoms

Business Model

Has Your Business Model Spawned a Monopoly Mentality?

As an organization grows, internal support structures evolve to handle certain services that are needed throughout the company. It needs HR to manage hiring and employee relations. It needs IT to keep the company’s technology assets running efficiently. It needs an accounting department to handle day-to-day financial functions. Teams across

Organization Alignment

The Two Faces of Achieving Organization Alignment

It is hard to overstate the benefits of organization alignment. Aligned organizations better implement and realize their strategies, can do more with fewer resources, are faster, and generally perform better in the marketplace. However, it is important to realize that not all alignments are equal in their power to produce

Strategic Thinking

Enhancing the Strategic Thinking of Executives Leads to Better Results

Strategic thinking is essential for an organization to differentiate and ultimately win in the marketplace. However, strategic thinking is much more than the ability to apply data, trends, and themes or envision big ideas. While these skills are certainly important for leaders of an organization, they don’t ensure that these

Organization Transformation

Don’t Sprint an Organization Transformation Marathon

With the beginning of a new year, many executives are looking to improve their businesses, their market presence, and their competitive advantage over the course of the new year. This may include changes to strategy, enhancements to organization capabilities, streamlined processes, optimized structures, refined reward systems, new measurement systems, and