Avoid Benchmarking Myopia in Organization Design

If used properly, benchmarking can be a critical tool that enhances and complements organization design. Learn the dos and don’t of benchmarking so it promotes your strategy rather than undermines it.

Business Model Innovation

Business Model Innovation for Relevance and Differentiation

Business model innovation is an essential element of success for today’s organizations. To stay competitive in a rapidly changing market, organizations must continually reinvent themselves. At its core, good business model redesign is about finding a novel way to solve a customer need that hasn’t yet been met fully or

organization transformation strategy

Designing Your Business Model for Resiliency

In a dynamically changing marketplace, the need to be faster and more agile has become an organizational imperative. Since change is inevitable, an organization’s transformation strategy has to be taken into account when designing a winning business model. As we point out in our book, Mastering the Cube, one of

Business Mode Implementation

Navigating the Journey to Successful Business Model Implementation

All great accomplishments start with great ideas and/or plans, but it takes action to bring them to reality. When we redesign an organization’s business model or its organization design, it’s one thing to blueprint or architect it to create a good approach for achieving marketplace success, yet it is another

Communities of Practice

Building Communities of Practice for Impact

In a recent post, we addressed the topic of linkages within an organization. Linkages, or informal relationships within an organization, make up the organization’s “unseen,” informal structure: how people relate to and work with each other across organizational boundaries. Linkages often have as much or even more impact on organizational

Commercial Organization

Take the Design of Your Commercial Organization to the Next Level

The design of commercial organizations inside of companies brings unique organization alignment challenges for executives and practitioners alike.  Because most sales and marketing functions touch the end-customer in very real and tangible ways, the design of these functions must create an extraordinary experience for customers and also deliver differentiated marketplace